Sunday, June 2, 2024

Warblers on my Breeding Bird Survey route

Chestnut sided Warbler, BBS stop #34, Monson, MA, Jun 2, 2024
Prairie Warbler, BBS stop #34, Monson, MA, Jun 2, 2024
Blue winged Warbler, BBS stop #15, Palmer, MA, Jun 2, 2024

I conducted my Breeding Bird Survey route for my 15th year in a row today and I had a record setting total of 84 species over the course of the morning.  Among the 84 species were 16 species of warbler, including a new species for me on the route with a Northern Waterthrush.  During the enter time the route has been in existence (since 1967) a total of twenty species of warblers have been recorded, with the only species I have never had along the route being Golden winged Warbler which was recorded just once along the route and that was way back in 1968.  Sadly each passing year brings more and more new houses along the route and less and less good habitat for birds, especially those that need more forest habitat. Due to tight time constraints during the survey I have little time to get photos of many of the birds I come across so getting any species to cooperate in the few minutes I'm at each location is a treat.

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