Saturday, April 29, 2017

Big influx of warblers the last couple days

Black and White Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 28, 2017
Black and White Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 28, 2017
Blue wingedWarbler, UMASS Amherst, MA, Apr 29, 2017
After several days of cool, cloudy and occasionally rainy weather the conditions changed on Friday bringing in sunny, warm weather on southerly winds.  This in turn resulted in a large influx of warbler species the last couple days with eleven species yesterday and seventeen today!  Friday had my first Northern Waterthrush, Common Yellowthroat, Black throated Green Warbler and Blue winged Warbler while Saturday brought in my first American Redstart, Chestnut sided Warbler, Prairie Warbler, Black throated Blue Warbler, Blackburnian Warbler and Northern Parula.  This has certainly been one of the bigger pushes as far as variety in late April that I have seen around here....perhaps my largest number of warbler species here in April.
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Myrtle', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 28, 2017
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Myrtle', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 28, 2017
Pine Warbler, Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 27, 2017
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Myrtle', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 28, 2017
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Myrtle', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 28, 2017
At home I have had several species of warbler around with a few captured on my motion will be interesting to see what the nest of the season brings in.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Five warbler species to end the third week of April

Palm Warbler 'yellow', Rail trail, Amherst, MA, Apr 20, 2017
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Myrtle', Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Apr 19, 2017 (digiscoped shot)
Pine Warbler, Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Apr 19, 2017 (digiscoped shot)
Pine Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 5, 2017
Louisiana Waterthrush, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 20, 2017
As we close out the third week of April the variety and number of warblers continues to slowly increase with a total of five species seen so far (Pine Warbler, Palm Warbler, Yellow rumped Warbler, Louisiana Waterthrush and Black and White Warbler)...all of which I managed to find today.  The next week into early May should bring in loads more species and numbers.  Beyond trying to get photos of all of the species I'm also going to try to get audio recordings of every species.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Golden cheeked Warbler and Colima Warbler in Texas

Golden cheeked Warbler, Balcones Canyonlands NWR, TX, Apr 8, 2017
Colima Warbler, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
I headed down to Texas for a brief trip starting on Saturday the 8th and began in Austin to visit the Texas hill country before making the long ride down to Big Bend National Park. The main targets for the trip included Golden cheeked Warbler in the hill country and Colima Warbler at Big Bend NP. Both of these species have limited range in the US with Golden cheeked being an endangered species, mainly due to ongoing habitat destruction. Colima Warblers are not as rare overall but the only spot they nest in the US is within Big Bend NP.
Golden cheeked Warbler, Balcones Canyonlands NWR, TX, Apr 8, 2017
Golden cheeked Warbler, Balcones Canyonlands NWR, TX, Apr 8, 2017
Nashville Warbler, South Llano River SP, Junction, TX, Apr 9, 2017
Yellow breasted Chat, South Llano River SP, Junction, TX, Apr 9, 2017
Yellow breasted Chat, South Llano River SP, Junction, TX, Apr 9, 2017
I arrived in Austin around midday and after a quick lunch headed over to St. Edwards Park northwest of the city to try to catch up with some Golden cheeked Warblers seen there recently but the park was quite busy without many quiet spots. Without too much luck at St Edwards Park I decided to make a run out to Balcones Canyonlands NWR to try my luck there. I arrived there late in the afternoon and despite the late hour and a near continuous wind I found first one and eventually four Golden cheeked Warbler including at least three males singing, all in the area of the appropriately named Warbler Vista. The Golden cheeked Warbler became my 69th warbler species (as well as my 1300th life bird). A very productive start to the trip to be sure.

I was up before dawn on Sunday and was greeted with clouds, a decent breeze and occasional drizzle as I drove back out to Balcones Canyonlands NWR again. I managed to find another singing Golden cheeked Warbler despite the less than ideal conditions. I was certainly happy I made it up the previous day when the weather was nicer. As the morning wore on and the weather did not seem to be improving in the area I was in, I decided to begin my long drive over to Big Bend (with frequent stops to stretch my legs). My best stop along the way was at South Llano River SP just south of Junction. It turned out to be a very active place with yet another Golden cheeked Warbler as well as five other species of warblers including Black and White, Orange crowned and Nashville Warblers, Northern Parula and Yellow breasted Chat. The chats were especially cooperative and vocal. It was tough to tear myself away from the area but I still had a lot of driving to make it to my lodging near Big Bend.
Colima Warbler, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Colima Warbler, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Colima Warbler, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Painted Redstart, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Yellow rumped Warbler 'Audubon's', Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Townsend's Warbler, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Townsend's Warbler, with limited yellow on chest,  Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Townsend's Warbler, with limited yellow on chest,  Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
Looking toward Mexico from Boot Spring Trail, Big Bend NP, TX, Apr 10, 2017
I was up and out the door bright and early on Monday to make the long run down to the Chisos Basin in Big Bend NP. The ride should take around 90 minutes but I took about two hours with frequent stops to let jackrabbits, deer and coyotes move out of the road. I arrived in the basin before sunrise and started the hike up the Pinnacles trail to get to Boot Spring where my main target (Colima Warbler) can be found. The trail was steep but not too bad considering some of the horror stories I had heard regarding the difficulty. The scenery was truly spectacular with each new turn in the trail producing a new awe inspiring view. I made it up through the gap in the basin via the Pinnacles and then started down the Boot Spring trail where I ran across my first Colima Warbler which popped into view briefly but disappeared before I could get the camera on it. I continued down toward Boot Spring itself and continued to run across various mixed species flocks but I didn't have another Colima Warbler until I made it to Boot Spring where I had two more individuals which eventually showed but still not very well. I continued down the trail past the springs where I found another interesting warbler. The bird was in a mixed species and was singing an odd song. The mask of the bird was quite dark (more like a Townsend's Warbler) but the belly was almost all white except for a hint of yellow just below the black throat. A very interesting bird to be sure. Although it was still very comfortable in the shade of the upper mountains I knew I had a long walk back out through Laguna Meadow much of which would be put in the open sun. I started down and while still up in the oaks I had two more singing Colima Warblers (bringing my total for the morning to five). I also got my best views of the bird on my down as well as the best photos I was able to get. The Colima Warbler became warbler species #70. In addition to the Colima Warblers I ran across a number of other warblers in several mixed species flocks including Yellow rumped Warbler (Audubon's), Black throated Gray Warbler, Townsend's Warbler, Wilson's Warbler and Painted Redstart.

My last full day in Texas was the worst weather wise but was not totally lost as a large portion of the day was spent driving back to Austin. I had more and more clouds and eventually rain as I drove east. I made another stop at South Llano River SP but due to occasional rain I didn't stay as long as I had on the previous day there. I made it back to the Austin area by early afternoon where I tried my luck in finding a reported Yellow throated Warbler at Common Fords Park. A severe thunderstorm was rapidly approaching so I was unable to locate the bird but the small park was quite active and produced Orange crowned Warbler, Northern Parula and Yellow rumped Warbler (Myrtle).

Overall for the trip I ended up with finding both of my target warblers as well as ten other species of warbler bringing my trip total to a dozen (plus both subspecies of Yellow rumped Warbler, which looks to be split into distinct species soon).  So far this year I have seen 31 species of warbler.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

First warbler of the season here

Pine Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 5, 2017
Pine Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 5, 2017
I ran across my first warbler of the season in the local area this morning when I found at least three Pine Warblers singing at Quabbin Park.  I have occasionally found Pine Warbler in mid to late March but early April is a fairly typical first date.  The next two arrive should be Palm and Yellow rumped Warbler anytime now and then the flood gates will really open within a few weeks.  In the short term I suspect more warblers will show up early next week when the winds come in from the south and the temperatures climb into the 70's.