Thursday, June 13, 2024

Cerulean Warbler singing Black throated Blue Warbler and Black and White Warbler song

Cerulean Warbler, Mt Holyoke Range SP, Granby, MA, Jun 13, 2024
Cerulean Warbler, Mt Holyoke Range SP, Granby, MA, Jun 13, 2024
Cerulean Warbler, Mt Holyoke Range SP, Granby, MA, Jun 13, 2024
Worm eating Warbler, Mt Holyoke Range SP, Amherst, MA, Jun 13, 2024

After work today I headed over to the Mount Holyoke Range SP to follow up on a report of a Cerulean Warbler singing a Black throated Blue Warbler song.  It was reported in the same area I had one singing both Black throated Blue Warbler and Black and White Warbler songs back in 2021.  I hiked up to the spot and along the way had a number of warblers including at least three Worm eating Warblers.  Once I arrived I started listening and after a few minutes heard a Black throated Blue Warbler song and suspected that was the Cerulean Warbler.  I spent several minutes looking with no luck and then it flew in closer and it was indeed a Cerulean Warbler.  I got a few recordings and some photos but failed to get a video of it singing despite some effort.  As I watched it move around from tree to tree it then switched songs and started singing a Black and White Warbler song!  Just like the individual I had in 2021.  It seems very likely it is the same individual but this raises the question of where it has been the last couple years, among a few other questions.  I got a few videos with one attached here: Cerulean Warbler singing Black and White Warbler song video.  Such a unique bird and glad to see it back again although I suspect it will have lots of difficulty attracting a mate singing these songs.  There was no sign of hybridization with the bird and looked fine for a typical Cerulean Warbler.  Although far from common I have another Cerulean Warbler at Quabbin that has consistently been singing a Northern Parula song.  I'll do a much more in depth post on these individuals at some point once the breeding season is over and I have some extra time.

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