Palm Warbler 'yellow', Lake Wallace, Belchertown, MA, Apr 5, 2020 |
Pine Warbler, Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 5, 2020 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', Arcadia, Northampton, MA, Apr 5, 2020 |
I was finally able to get out for a more extended time this morning to try to catch up with some warblers (among other species). Between not feeling well lately and less than ideal weather conditions I have not been able to get out much but with warmer temperatures today I tried to make up for lost time. With the beginning of April warbler migration starts to pick up and I managed to find three species of warbler including my first Palm Warblers of the season around here with individuals seen or heard at multiple locations over the course of the morning. I added half a dozen Yellow rumped Warblers at Arcadia (I could have found more in the area but Arcadia is closed to the public due to the ongoing Covid 19 pandemic so I had to bird from the public roads). I believe the Yellow rumped Warblers are the overwintering group and not recently arrived migrants. The third warbler for the day were Pine Warblers which were also recorded at multiple locations. Lighting was terrible for almost the entire morning with a few showers and cloudy conditions but I still managed to snag a photo of each species.
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