Black and White Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Yellow rumped Warbler 'myrtle', Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Palm Warbler 'yellow', Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Pine Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Louisiana Waterthrush, Mitch's Way, Hadley, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
As a cooler and wetter than normal April comes to an end the warblers are a bit behind from typical with just nine species for the month (with a few being represented by just one individual). The numbers of Yellow rumped Warblers and Palm Warblers are still decent and are the default warblers at most every location. Today saw a large influx of Yellow rumped Warblers with a triple digit count at
Quabbin Park. In addition today brought my first sighting of Black throated Green Warbler and American Redstart. Pine Warblers are back in typical numbers and I had a female in the yard gathering nest material yesterday. The only other warblers I have had so far are a handful of Black and White Warblers and Northern Waterthrushes and a single Black throated Blue Warbler. Even the numbers of Louisiana Waterthrushes are below were they typically are with several areas that I usually have them in by now totally quiet. I suspect there will be a big push of warblers in between bouts of rain over the next few days with the biggest push probably coming Saturday night into Sunday. In other warbler news a friend down the eastern end of the state found the first spring record of MacGillivray's Warbler in Massachusetts (and likely for the entire New England area). Tough to say if it wintered somewhere in the east and then moved north or was brought in from weather conditions (similar to the Townsend's Warblers mentioned in a previous post). I suspect it got caught in strong southerly winds that occurred a few times in the last couple weeks instead of a wintering bird as a bird with messed up migration (moving east instead of south in the fall) would be messed up for its spring migration and not come north along the east coast. Link to eBird lists with photos below.
eBird list
Palm Warbler 'yellow', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
Palm Warbler 'yellow', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 29, 2020 |
The camera at the water feature captured its first warbler for the season with a Palm Warbler captured today.
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