Louisiana Waterthrush, Nash Hill Road, Williamsburg, MA, Apr 7, 2020 |
Louisiana Waterthrush, Nash Hill Road, Williamsburg, MA, Apr 7, 2020 |
Louisiana Waterthrush, Nash Hill Road, Williamsburg, MA, Apr 7, 2020 |
Palm Warbler 'yellow', Home, Belchertown, MA, Apr 7, 2020 |
After work this morning I headed up to Williamsburg to try to see if I could find an early Louisiana Waterthrush plus follow up on some other unusual birds. I went up to the upper part of
Nash Hill Road and walked a few of the roads. I honestly didn't expect to find one there but as I was walking back to the car I had one singing and I eventually found it fairly high up in a tree and got a few photos plus a recording. This is my earliest record for the species ever in Hampshire County, beating my previous record of April 10, 2010 at Quabbin Park (all of my early and late dates for warblers in the county at the following
link). After I left Nash Hill Road I found a second Louisiana Waterthrush singing along Depot Road in Williamsburg as I headed for home. Other warblers for the day included multiple Pine Warblers as well as a few Palm Warblers. More on the non warblers for the day
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