Saturday, September 7, 2024

Warblers for the first week of September

Common Yellowthroat, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Sep 1, 2024
Magnolia Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Sep 3, 2024
Bay breasted Warbler, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Sep 4, 2024
Black throated Green Warbler, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Sep 4, 2024
Northern Parula, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Sep 4, 2024
Wilson enjoying a fall day, Belchertown, MA, Sep 4, 2024
Blackburnian Warbler, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Sep 5, 2024
Black throated Green Warbler, Quabbin Gate 8, Pelham, MA, Sep 5, 2024
Chestnut sided Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, Sep 6, 2024
Common Yellowthroat, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Sep 7, 2024
Pine Warbler, Reed Conservation Area, Belchertown, MA, Sep 7, 2024

The first week of September has now come to an end and there have been a few good mornings for warblers as well as a few that were lackluster.  My best morning so far was the 4th when I had 16 species.  We are now in the peak of fall warbler migration and the next few weeks will bring lots of stuff and with any luck a few Connecticut Warblers.  So far for September I have had 20 species of warblers and have oddly missed a few that I should have had by now including Nashville Warbler, Cape May Warbler, Yellow Warbler and Wilson's Warbler (I had all of those species in August and I know I will eventually get them all before the new month ends).  Sadly I reaggravated my most recent back injury on Thursday so no climbing up any hills but that should not make as much of a difference in the fall as it did in the spring.  

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