Thursday, August 8, 2024

Early Tennessee Warblers and a number of Worm eating Warblers the last few days

Tennessee Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 8, 2024
Tennessee Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 8, 2024
Blue winged Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 8, 2024
Yellow Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 8, 2024
Canada Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 8, 2024
Worm eating Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 6, 2024
Worm eating Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 6, 2024
Black and White Warbler, Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River, Hadley, MA, Aug 6, 2024

I continued my chase of warblers for August between bouts of work and some rainy weather.  On the 6th I had my largest group ever of Worm eating Warblers away from known nesting areas in the county with a group of three together at Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River (plus a few other warblers and tons of mosquitoes!).  After work today I headed back to Silvio Conte NWR-Fort River and although I did not have any Worm eating Warblers still hanging around I did have two early Tennessee Warblers as well as decent counts of both Yellow Warblers and American Redstarts and other warblers plus loads of mosquitoes once again.  I have now tallied 18 species of warbler for the month so far.

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