Monday, May 6, 2024

Second Orange crowned Warbler in as many days and a Cerulean Warbler back at Quabbin Park

Orange crowned Warbler, UMASS, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Orange crowned Warbler, UMASS, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Orange crowned Warbler, UMASS, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Orange crowned Warbler, UMASS, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Orange crowned Warbler, UMASS, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024

After finding a rare for spring Orange crowned Warbler yesterday at UMASS I heard from Mary that she had a different individual elsewhere on the campus and with her directions I headed there at first light to try to track it down.  Although I was saddened to see Orchard Hill being 'developed' yet again and therefore cutting down some great habitat I did manage to catch up with the bird Mary found yesterday.  It had moved a bit from the previous day but thankfully was still in the area, occasionally singing.  I spent quite a bit of time with the bird trying to get some photos and I had some success...much better than I had with my uncooperative individual the day before.  I had a dozen species of warblers on Orchard Hill before I headed to another part of campus where I added a couple more species for the day.  I had no luck relocating the Orange crowned Warbler I had yesterday

Black and White Warbler collecting nest material, Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Black and White Warbler collecting nest material, Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Black and White Warbler collecting nest material, Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Black and White Warbler, Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Palm Warbler 'yellow', Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024
Blue winged x Golden winged Warbler hybrid, Rail trail, Amherst, MA, May 6, 2024

I then headed to the rail trail in Amherst where I sorted through a bunch of Blue winged Warblers and found the continued Blue winged x Golden winged hybrid still hanging in the same area.  I also got some killer looks at a female Black and White Warbler collecting nest material.

Cerulean Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 6, 2024
Cerulean Warbler, Quabbin Park, MA, May 6, 2024
Ovenbird, Quabbin Park, MA, May 6, 2024

I intended to stop at Silvio Conte NWR in Hadley but the parking lot was full and I prefer not to be crowded by people so I instead headed east and went to Quabbin Park where I had 15 species of warbler with the highlight being a Cerulean Warbler.  I really hope I can confirm breeding of the species back in the park again this year.  I had Cerulean Warblers in the area last year and I suspected breeding but could never confirm.  I will be keeping tabs on them again this year.

American Redstart, Quabbin Park, MA, May 6, 2024

I saw a report of a Hooded Warbler at Quabbin Park from earlier in the day and after some prodding from Mary I decided to head over to see if I could relocate it.  Although I had no luck finding it the area it was reported in featured some great breeding habitat and was not too far away from where I had a Hooded Warbler back in 2019.  

Although a bit early in the month to try for a big warbler day I had a respectable 23 species of warblers (plus the hybrid) for the day.  My first time reaching 20+ species on a day since last spring. 

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