Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Hooded Warbler in Ludlow


Hooded Warbler, Ludlow, MA, May 29, 2024
Hooded Warbler, Ludlow, MA, May 29, 2024
Hooded Warbler, Ludlow, MA, May 29, 2024
Hooded Warbler, Ludlow, MA, May 29, 2024
Hooded Warbler, Ludlow, MA, May 29, 2024

As mentioned in an earlier post I seldom take trips out of the county unless there is a notable warbler species and since I had to run an errand down in Ludlow I decided to try my luck in relocating a Hooded Warbler that Marshall found when scouting for a state big day.  I arrived in the area and had a few warblers around along a fairly busy road and after a little walking I heard a call that sounded like the 'chink' call of a Hooded Warbler.  I waited a few minutes for the traffic to clear so it be quiet enough to get a recording and as I started recording the call the bird sang a few times.  It continued to sing on and off and eventually got chased around by a redstart and then the Hooded Warbler stopped at the top of a tree and sang several times and I got some distant shots that I was able to crop and get fairly decent results from.  This is my third Hooded Warbler of the season with the other two in Hampshire County.

After getting home I heard about a Kentucky Warbler seen and heard in a private yard in Chesterfield and although it would have been nice to add this I didn't have it in me to make the drive.  I reached out to the observer and if it stays around perhaps visitation of some sort can be set up...time will tell.

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