I started another trip to Quabbin at Gate 22 this morning and ran into some migrants just down the hill from the gate. The birds here included my first of season Nashville Warbler, half a dozen Northern Parula's, and eight other species of warblers. Gate 16 and 11 had few warblers around but Quabbin Park had one really good spot. There was a large mixed species flock that contained several species of warbler including Nashville, Ovenbird, Blackpoll and several each of Northern Parula, Black throated Blue, Black throated Green and Black and White and others. Overall for the day I totalled 14 species of warbler which I was quite happy with given the less than ideal weather conditions. In addition I had a still singing Prairie Warbler at Quabbin Park..

Today is also a sad day. It has now been six months since I lost my good dog, best buddy and frequent birding companion Kody. He is missed.
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