Yellow rumped Warbler 'audubon's', Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, Jul 9, 2018 |
Wilson's Warbler, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, Jul 13, 2018 |
MacGillivray's Warbler, Rocky Mountain National Park, CO, Jul 11, 2018 |
Yellow Warbler, Ten Mile Creek, Granby, CO, Jul 11, 2018 |
Virginia's Warbler, South Mesa Trail, Boulder Cty, CO, Jul 15, 2018 |
Just returned from a trip out to Colorado visiting Rocky Mountain National Park, Pawnee Grasslands and a few areas in the greater Denver area between July 8-16. During the trip I managed to find a total of eight species of warblers (Orange crowned Warbler, Virginia's Warbler, MacGillivray's Warbler, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow Warbler, Yellow rumped Warbler 'audubon's', Black throated Gray Warbler and Wilson's Warbler). The most unexpected was the Black throated Gray Warbler that I found in RMNP where they are not expected in July. Complete report from the trip can be found at the following